Director, Projects and Server Progression
As we have switched websites, unfortunately our ability to respond to staff applications has been removed from the old system. As a result, we ask that you please re-apply on the new website as a general support ticket. Please answer the following questions:
Basic Information
--Account Names:
--Real Name:
--Real Age:
--What country do you live in?
--What languages do you speak or understand?
--Please select the times you will generally be able to work (in servertime):
--How many hours are you willing to work per day or per week?
--Have you ever been banned on Neverendless? If so, why?
--How long have you been an active member on Neverendless?
--Why would you like to be on staff?
--A Neverendless staff member must have patience and the ability to stay calm even in difficult situations. Are you capable of this? Please give an example.
--Do you prefer to work alone or with others? Please explain.
--Appropriate English and grammar is required for staff. Do you see potential problems with communication due to lack of fluency in English?
--Do you have a microphone and the ability to use Discord?
GameMaster Specific Questions
--The Neverendless Community consists of players from all over the world. We expect players to respect each other regardless of language spoken, culture or country of origin.
--We try to maintain a positive atmosphere here at Neverendless, so how would you deal with someone in your area being negative towards the server or staff?
Tier II - Community Support
--Why do I have only 15 talent points?! I'm a level 80 Deathknight, please give all of them to me!
Tier III - Community Protection
--As a member of staff, you will be expected not only to enforce server rules within the Community, but also to uphold and follow all server rules as both staff and a player. Do you understand and agree?
--Please give an example of how you would handle a member of your guild who is violating the rules by bug abusing, hacking or other forms of cheating?
Final Questions
--We encourage staff to cross-train in other areas of the server. What other areas interest you and why?
--If you had to describe yourself as a fruit, which fruit would you be and why?
--Is there any additional information you would like us to know about you?
--Have you gone over your answers and double checked them?
Thank you, and we apologize for the inconvenience.