This may well come off as a giant pat on the back to old and new staff and it is far from what my intentions are at this point. Our history at NE is long and varied, we have had ups and downs, changes and mistakes. I knew nothing about private servers before I created NE. It was a learn it on the run situation and we all did the best we could. We did a pretty well for our efforts. Let's jump today and what we are doing and what has driven the process.As many of you know I am getting my Master and eventually my Doctorate in Computer Sciences. This was a decision that was supported by the previous 10yrs of running NE. Our developer Stewart is working as a Software Engineer for the British Government and so is not able to participate in the current iteration of the server. Slack, our C++ and OPcode guru is back with us part-time as he is a fulltime C++ programmer in RL. Martijan who was an older developer to start with now has 3 children and is rather busy in RL atm. Although is willing to help out in a pinch. We have various directors that have all gone on to technical roles in real life as well as being new mothers.Ok, Blood is not a mommy, but he is a PMP (Profession Manager of Projects) in the UK as well. So who do we have now? Well, most of the current staff all old hands from the farm. Dragonladie is our new Head Gamemaster a title she sure has earned it and I am fairly sure everyone knows her. Our new director of operations is an old staff member as well. Rayx. Rayx is also a PMP in the real world and has a great deal of project experience we can utilize. Harbinger, is a RL systems engineer with about 10 years of background in leading and administrating private wow servers. Our new well not so new but... Head Developer is Viarax, he started as a forums mod, became a GM and started helping the dev team many years ago. Today he is a manager at a UK web development company. Liraneth is helping on our website and content management system. In his day job, he is a content creator for Viarax. Pastarian, Now this one makes me feel really old. Pastarian is someone I met when he was 10yrs old. He happens to be the younger brother of Viarax. Pastarian is the firewall for the dev team. So that's a great place to explain the bug process. The process starts with you the players. We need you to submit a bug report via our online system. We have made easy to fill out forms. here are links to our forms. Do not worry about the title saying PTR as they will input the info we need.
✸ NPC bug reports: http://goo.gl/v00OtB
✸ Spell bug reports: https://goo.gl/jdVhBW
✸ Miscellaneous bug reports: https://goo.gl/msZkYK
✸ Quest bug reports: http://goo.gl/q00jL9
Then Pastarain will get a GM in-game staff member to verify and duplicate the bug. Once verified the bug will be transferred to the GIT tracker for assignment only after Pastarian checks the Trinity Wiki and sees if it is already reported to them and if they have a fix or not. Only then will it be determined if we will fix it ourselves. This sounds super complicated but it is professional and efficient in the development world. Our other development staffer is an old hand as well. Lornhane, who I can proudly say also works in support for a wide renowned hosting company. Lornhane is the curator of the change logs and administrative functions in the dev team.
GM Fuzi is back and rocking the tickets and doing things in his own fantastic style and passion for NE... I love this guy he has always been a great asset to our server and will continue to being so going forward in GEN2. We have Jsoggy for a bit longer as he will be entering the US Army to be trained as an IT specialist. Soggy has been on staff as well a while back and has been a key helper in the GEN2 process early on. We have a few others that will be returning soon as well but I will leave them for another post.
So let's look at this entire picture. We have real-life professionals at every seat in the organization and process. This is the most fully rounded team I have ever had the opportunity to lead at N. GEN2 was chosen as the new core title for obvious reasons as this is going to be the second generation of NE. Soon the website will be ready and our plan is to begin our media blitz shortly after the completion.
I wanted to publically thank the team and players for this rebirth of Neverendless-WoW. We promise to stay one step ahead and keep the faith...