Director, Development
Neverendless Community Protection
Playing on Neverendless is a privilege--not a right--which can be revoked at any time at the Owner's discretion or due to violation of our server's rules. Please keep in mind that all content of Neverendless including but not limited to accounts, characters and items (even donations) are property of Neverendless and its owner Blackswann. While this document has been written using in-game accounts as the example, any action done out of game that would incur a punishment in-game for the same action will be subject to appropriate out of game punishments. Furthermore, actions can be taken to your account(s), in or out of game, when your account (in or out of game) is linked to damage caused to the community, depending on the offense and severity such as but not limited to the following:
- Warnings We understand that remembering all the rules might be difficult and therefore may warn you first as a courtesy and reminder for small infractions (limited to the first offense).
- Kicks Kicks will be used as a more clear warning; you will also receive a letter in the mailbox. Further actions WILL be taken to your account if you continue violating our rules.
- Mutes In cases of clear and intended infractions of chat rules your character will be muted with or without prior warning.
- Account Bans We allow you to play on another account while serving your ban, but please keep in mind that you are on probation and misbehavior or further infractions will lead to increased ban time and/or additional accounts banned.
- Server Bans A server ban means that all accounts connected to yours (take notice, those who choose to share accounts!) will be closed and during the time of the ban you are no longer welcome in any area of Neverendless. If you get caught avoiding your ban on the forums, teamspeak, IRC, or in-game the account you are using will be banned as well.
- Account Strips In extreme cases of repeated rule violations or very severe violations your account may have its characters stripped: you will be deleved and will lose all items, achievements, etc. as your characters will be re-created for you at level 1. This is final and can not be undone.
- Account Deletions If we find that you are trash, your account may be removed from our database--forever! (Account deletion is an option where no prior consequences have served to rehabilitate a player in such a way that allows him/her to continue being a member of our community.)
Please note and understand that...
- If you repeat/quote someone else who is violating a rule you are violating the rule as well and will share any consequences. This includes but is not limited to spam, advertisement, racism, staff or server bashing, etc.
- Repeated rule violations lead to direct (without further warnings) and increased actions taken to your account(s). Please note that consequences for violations may be revised/increased at an Administrator's discretion upon review after the initial time of the offense.
- If you feel that you have been unfairly muted or banned, you have the right to appeal a ban and report staff. Providing valid evidence is encouraged, of course, so that appropriate actions can be taken from our side. All ban appeals are answered by an Administrator and decisions are final. You may re-appeal only once every 30 days. This includes In-Game, Forum, IRC or TeamSpeak bans.
- Although sharing your/an account(s) might be tolerated by Staff, we do not support it and cannot return or refund any kind of losses or damage caused due to it. If you decide to share your account or use a shared account and that account or IP is associated with any kind of rule violation you will share the consequences! If the actual owner, as determined by the email of record, decides to remove your access by changing the password then there is nothing Neverendless can or will do. Furthermore, we do not refund any kind of lost items, character or accounts.[/B] Only lost custom items might be returned on an Administrator's discretion to the original character and if you can provide a full Transaction ID and have access to the original account for which the items were made.
- While we are a "Blizzlike" server, not all features and factors may be "as on retail." Therefore you are responsible for reading all Neverendless Rules and Policies and/or requesting clarification from Neverendless Staff. You shall refer to Neverendless's Website, Forums, and Armory for the final word on Rules, Events, Items, etc. Wowhead, Wowwiki, and similar sites may not be reliable sources of information pertaining to Neverendless due to our unique core and differences in patch as compared to Retail.
- We do not change emails on accounts. If you use a random email or forget your email, then we won't be able to verify you as account owner in the event that you need your password changed. This also prevents scamming when it comes to account trading (see above rule), making such an action purely at your own risk. To avoid these issues, put a valid email in at registration and remember it.
- Server-wide Bans/Punishments: If offenses in-game or out-of-game are considered severe enough, players may be subject to a server-wide ban. Server-wide bans are defined as a temporary or permanent ban of all accounts linked to you in all areas of the server, including in-game, Teamspeak, Forums, IRC and any other area deemed necessary. Server-wide bans may be put in place for severe offenses occurring in any area of our server.
- These rules are here for a reason: to protect the community of Neverendless. They are not to be broken or violated by anyone for any reason.
In-game chat channels, including but not limited to Global and World, are ultimately controlled by Staff. You may not kick, mute or ban other players from these channels as only staff members reserve the right to do so.
Neverendless reserves the right to intercept, monitor, and record any communications (text or voice) made through our servers (in-game, IRC, Teamspeak, and so on).
- Intentional, excessive spam is not tolerated at all.
- While we understand that a macro can be easily clicked twice by mistake, doing this repeatedly is seen as intentional and will be considered as spam.
- Flooding the chats is not appreciated by the community as it can be really annoying, so please make sure you are not splitting up your sentences in several lines or making extremely large, senseless entries in chat.
- Addons/Tools to color your chat-output or adding blizztag are not tolerated. In-game functions such as (skull) are permitted.
- We run a PG13 server, so please keep inappropriate content away from the chats.
- The discussing of any rule infractions or actions by staff in a public channel (global, general, trade or any other multiplayer chat) can result in additional actions to your account. We want you to come to us directly if you have questions or complaints about our actions.
- The consequences given to any player are the business of that player and the Staff alone. Staff members may decline to comment on or discuss infractions given to any player with any other player or the community as a whole.
- Non-English chat is now prohibited in Global. While we understand that we have many players whose natural language is not English and we do not wish to discriminate or discourage the natural language or culture of any player, for the purposes of balance and fairness in the moderation of chat, we require players to use English-only in Global.
While it's common within the gamer's community to tease and troll, a decent level of respect must be maintained. Please understand that offending people's feelings is crossing the line--nobody likes to play under those kind of circumstances. It's a game, so enjoy and have fun instead of insulting each other!
- We understand your frustration about lag, bugs or actions you may not fully understand as the community cannot always be fully informed at a particular time of our upcoming plans; however, bashing the server and/or its community is not an option at all.
- Neverendless is an international server which means players are from all over the world and many nationalities, cultures, races and religions are represented! This means that each of us should not overreact about feeling offended for what may be an unintentional offense, but extreme disrespect or vulgar content regarding another player is not welcome at all.
- Racism or stereotypes in the form of any kind of offensive chat or bashing against particular groups (including but not limited to the race, religion, culture, gender or sexuality of a person) is not to be tolerated at all. Please also consider that stereotypical jokes might be offensive for another person.
- The Neverendless staff performs a lot of hard work and effort to provide a unique game experience! At times decisions with which not everyone will agree are considered necessary for the community. We do provide locations for feedback on the forum and the website's support tickets, however bashing the staff group or a particular member of the staff is not an option to communicate your opinion, nor do we tolerate abusing our staff for example by creating empty or pointless support based tickets, and so on.
- Please understand that running a server with a community of our size is quite costly. Therefore we do not appreciate the bashing of people for donating to the server. This does not mean that the so called "donors" are treated better than anyone else, but we will not let you bash anyone for the fact of supporting the community.
- Advertising another private server can not be tolerated. Please respect that while playing on Neverendless you may not talk about other servers, it's really rude!
- You may not harass or threaten players or staff. Harassment can include but is not limited to bullying, use of extremely violent or disrespectful language or threats and suggestions of personal bodily harm that fall outside what is acceptable for gameplay. Encouraging or inciting others to harass or threaten any player or staff is also considered in violation of our rules. The interpretation of reported incidents of harassment is left to Staff and Management and is not up for debate.
- Do not attempt to blackmail any player or staff member, or attempt to bribe a staff member for chips, gold, in-game items, or reduced punishment for any offense.
- Neverendless BattleMasters are working hard to provide a lot of Events for your enjoyment. Interrupting Events is frowned upon by the community and actions will be taken to your accounts. You may not try to annoy the participants or reduce their fun by spamming chat, entering the location of an event in progress by force, or otherwise distracting or harassing the Event leader or participants.
- Any kind of staff related information, regardless of whether you gained the information while being a member of the staff, from an ex-staff member or from any other source are not to be given further to anyone! This is not because we want to hide things from you but it is important to stop any kind of rumors about false or incomplete information in order to prevent misconceptions.
- While we allow our staff to play on the server as well we also allow them to chose to separate their staff and play identities by deciding if they want to reveal their play characters or not and to whom. So the harassment of players about their actual or possible staff status, or to try to obtain privileges, to complain about staff/server issues or to annoy is unacceptable and will be considered a serious offense which could lead to loss of your character(s) & account(s).
As deception can not be allowed at all, we try to reduce the possibility by expanding the topic as follows:
- With staff being allowed to decide if they want to reveal their play identities or not it might be hard to tell if someone is an actual staff or not and scammers could easily trick you. For this reason, nobody is allowed to impersonate or claim to be a current or ex-member of the staff, with the purpose of using this information to abuse existing rules or others. If you see anyone doing so please take a screenshot to report the person. Also please note that for your own security you do not say you are a GM, not even for fooling around or joking as it could be perceived that your are trying to trick others and then actions will be taken to your account(s).
- The offering of chips or accounts for sale or trade is not allowed to prevent scam and damage caused to the community. Please note that if you do no longer wish to play your account and get caught trying to sell it you will lose it. You may also read our statement about account security to protect yourself!
- Any kind of donation fraud or attempt to fraudulently claim donation items is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to invalid donations resulting in returns, charge-backs or refunds and/or attempts to cheat the system to get free items from the donation shop.
- The creation of or using of cheats such as modifications, hacks, package editing or any other third-party software designed or used to modify World of Warcraft to take unfair advantage is considered cheating.
- You may not encourage others to cheat by mentioning or promoting cheats.
- You may not abuse bugs, glitches or any other exploit. If a bug, glitch or exploit is found on the server, we ask you to report it to Bug Reports as soon as possible.
All content on Neverendless and its database is property of Blackswann.
Actions such as Warnings, Kicks, Mutes, Account Bans, Server Bans, Account Strips or Account deletions are done for violating our rules.
Please note and understand that
- you are violating the same rule and share consequences for repeating/quoting someone else who is violating a rule.
- repeated rule violations lead to direct actions without further warnings.
- if you feel unfairly muted or banned, you have the right to appeal a ban and report staff.
- when you are sharing your/an account(s) you will share in consequences for rule violations attached to that account or IP! We do not refund or return any kind of lost items, characters or accounts.
- You shall refer to Neverendless's Website, Forums, and Armory for the final word on Rules, Events, Items, etc.
- We do not change emails on accounts.
- These rules are here for a reason: to protect the community. They are not to be broken or violated by anyone for any reason.
All chats are ultimately controlled by Staff. You may not kick, mute or ban other players from public channels (Global, World, ...) as only staff members reserve this right.
- No Spam, Flooding, using Addon/Tools to color chat or fake a Blizztag.
- Keep inappropriate content away from the chats.
- Don't discuss rule infractions or consequences in a public channels.
A decent level of respect must be maintained.
- No server bashing, staff bashing or any kind of extreme disrespect or vulgar content regarding another player.
- Racism or negative stereotypes in the form of offensive chat or bashing against particular groups is not to be tolerated at all.
- Do not bash people for donating to the server.
- No advertising, talking about or mentioning other private wow servers.
- Do not harass, threaten or attempt to blackmail or bribe any player or staff member.
- Don't interrupt Events or annoy the participants and hosts by interfering.
- Harassing a player about possible staff connections (true or not) to obtain privileges, complain or annoy is a serious offense and will lead to loss of your character(s) & account(s).
- Do not say you are a current or ex-member of the staff, to try and abuse the rules or other players.
- Don't offer chips or accounts for sale or trade.
- Do not commit donation fraud in any form. This includes but is not limited to invalid donations resulting in returns, charge-backs or refunds, or attempts to cheat the system to get free items from the donation shop.
- The creation or using of cheats such as modifications, hacks, package editing or any other kind of third-party software designed or used to modify World of Warcraft to take unfair advantage is considered cheating.
- You may not encourage others to cheat by mentioning or promoting cheats.
- You may not abuse bugs, glitches or any other exploit; instead please report it to Bug Reports!
Please feel free to read the explanation on these changes on the main website. The website version of these rules is available in the Knowledge Base.