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Vote Shop Changes
Vote Shop Changes



Lol, all I got is 13 vote points this week, and I never missed a single vote. Wth?



Same. Did the vote point reward had just been reduced drastically? O.O
I'll keep on voting though :D



voted 18 times and got 8 vote shop sucks.



Oh, cool story bru, the items in vote shop are cheaper, but u get less and less vote points a week. So this changes basically did nothing. For nothingness! Anyways,.on the first few weeks of the new voting system, I remembered getting 30+ vp a week, and now, its down to 13. Keep it up, and less players will vote. good job, not tryin to be rude or anything, just stating the fact.



^right-on. Plus it takes atleast a couples of minutes to vote as opposed to the old system. Dont get me wrong i love the fact that they put lots of other gear in the voteshop, but the way we are voting and the number of votes whe are getting is more than annoying.



Yeah I had 26 votes and got 12 vote points. I think trouble will be brewing. So much for getting that "epic piece of gear weekly". People will not be happy in the end.



I have to admit, it really is discouraging to vote 18 or so times to get just 8 points in return. This isn't a good way to get more people to vote, especially with the lofty promises made when the shop was first announced (epics every week!).

It almost feels like we're being punished for the people who don't vote; people we can't convince to vote because they're total strangers who don't care. Why not add a bonus based on the number of times a week someone votes? Like, if someone gets in 15 or so votes in a week, he gets 5 bonus points or something? That way, regardless of the server's ranking on the sites, those who actually care enough to vote regularly won't feel so ripped off.



Hi same issue here...I voted the max 18 times in 6 days on both of my accounts and got 18 points on one a/c & 15 on the other....looks like the allocation method needs tweeking please!



sorry just got up :) my previous message should read that I voted the max 30 times (12 times each on 2 sites in 6 days and 6 times on the other site) got 18 points on one a/c and 15 on the other.



again for 27 times of votes i recive only 13.... last time i wos vote 27 times and recive 20 ????



if things go like that that means i need to vote 1 month everyday 2 times per day to get finally 32 and get 1 epic gear like vith my 13 points i cant do anything im sad for i get only 45% from my work of vote



well, that things being said. even tho im really pissed on the fact that i only got 13 vp this week, while i missed a vote at all. ill give the server another week. like always, i will vote every 12/24 hours,. and i wont miss a single vote, so next week if i get less than 15 vote points. thats it for me, ill stop voting, like seriously stop. like on the first comment, im not trying to be rude, im just stating the fact. thnx



just yesterday i was talking about your good job... but now i have to say that this vote system is not so good, come on it is impossible to get epic items if you give us 50% of the vote that we do, last month you said: it is possible to take one or two pieces a week, but How???



^i DID NOT missed a vote at all** is what i meant.. sorry for the typo.



I think a lot of you didn't read this part:

"As promised, during the month of April, we doubled the amount of points being awarded through voting. Instead of reducing this back to normal amounts, however, we have reduced them moderately, but provided a bonus for Xtreme Top 100 and other sites the higher we rank within the TOP 10! Voting more each day will significantly impact the number of points you receive -- it's all up to you!"

As has been said over and over again. The higher we rank on the voting websites, the more points you will receive for voting. This means correct voting by everyone. Something that a lot of people are still not doing right now. So instead of coming here, why not go ingame and encourage your fellow players to vote correctly?

This is a group effort. Something that will have to be accomplished with the help of everyone in the NE community.



u said u gave us twice the amount that we shoulve gotten, so that means, i only got 6 points, and tnx to u guys it became 13 points? did we ranked down to 100th place now? or u want every week to rank up? i dont get it anymore.



ohh lol. sorry sorry, i got it! i forgot its the month of May. silly me. so that means, 13 ~ 18 vp a week is the normal vote points u can get weekly huh? but still, cant do anything about the people who doesnt wanna vote.



you should add Reins of the Raven Lord to the vote shop.



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