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UPDATE SEPT 7th 2016
UPDATE SEPT 7th 2016



I can see the flames from some people coming out about the changes now. So want no customs, some wont stand for a full reset, some want more customs, and most of you want the core to be better. OK so lets address the core related issues first.

The old core is extremely custom due to the use of custom items and system related to gear. To a point that our three person dev team can not do anything to keep up and cant import fixes from the GIT branch of Trinity we are basically on. Without the customs we will be on the most current Trinity branch with all the fixes and far less bugs and exploits. To do this we have to get away from customs completely and then stay on track with the branch so that we maximize the game performance. That actually is a none starter with customs. The question then becomes the guilds banks and the economy as well as if there is a compensation program for donors.

Guild banks and gold would reset the economy very well. It would allow for people to farm mats and things so that even at higher levels with geared toons you would have work to do. This would also force an instant adjustment of the overall economy. We could potentially leave players with a preset gold amount at restart.

compensation is a complex issue and I will announce our plans over the coming weekend more then likely.

I said from the start of this topic/plan/discussion that this was not going to be popular with everyone. These are tough decisions for me and harder to place upon what I consider my NE family. All that being said it needs to be done or we need to consider closing the realm.

To show the community the new core we are planning to make an insta 80 realm with geared toons as a PTR as soon as possible. I do not want to stand on this date atm due to some server side issues that need to be worked out with our very gracious host. My currwent though is to do it for a weekend in September from the 16th-18th to ley you the players see the CORE... bugs, exploits, instances and raids, then we will close it. You will be creating test toons of sort on the PTR to see the core not to see your characters in the core. We will do a test for that later. I want to do this in steps so that we do not drop the ball anywhere.


Doing everything in the name of NE



First ;)
Neverendless rock!! Keep it up Bobby, we're with you!!



Welp, I'm sitting here with 295 unused donation coins. I suppose I'll just leave them. ahaha

Aaaaanyway, this has been a long time coming. I don't think I've been here for about three or four years. It'll be interesting to see what's done to revive the server.

PS - Even though we're not voting to rename the server and also we're probably not renaming the server, I vote you rename the server (because it's like it's starting over... from square one...) to NE One.

Shut up. I'm hilarious.



Third <3
Neverendless always had a special place in my heart :3
I'll keep supporting NE and you Bobby :D
Kranith.. nub <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



Everyone hopes to see NE rocking again!





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I can understand resetting or removing customs, if it causes core instability. While it removes some of NE's uniqueness, stability matters more. Only a proven, stable core and codebase can alleviate the pain for those lamenting their loss of customs. NE will have to really prove itself if it wishes to retain those returning players.

I couldn't disagree more with the idea of gold and guild bank resets. There is absolutely no reason to do this, as it will in no way reset or improve NE's Economy. Quite frankly, there is no economy on NE currently. The Auction House is all but empty. What is going to prevent a return to business as usual in a couple months, when a few people dominate auctions and farming of mats? All that will be accomplished will be the destruction of people's work over the past 2 years, and the inability to help gear new guild members (and hopefully those new to the server). DOTC has done exactly that with our guild bank. Help gear new members so we could get them in raids.

The way to fix NE's in-game economy is simple. Attract old members by letting them return to their existing players and saved items. Market a NEW core to attract new players. Leverage good will on the older players, so they encourage people to move to NE, because they recognize NE has preserved all they have achieved.

Some people here are OK with the total reset of gear, gold, and more. These are the same voices that jumped ship when NE was down. I don't see the point of damaging our hard work, to appease that disloyalty. Especially since the loyal guilds such as DOTC plan to leverage our guild bank to actually gear people for actual raids.

Saying NE needs to reset the guild banks to improve a currently non-existent economy, is as bad as Apple removing the head phone jack; and Phil Schiller using the lamest excuse ever of "courage" as his first reason. I know NE is FAR better than to do that. Right?

rene lipman


lol mis want us in a oldmanshouse waiting fore the dead and murmeling over good old tims



I too contest the decision to reset the guild banks and personal accounts; i do not think it is reasonable or fair; i concur with Ahnuld.



As someone who has helped build our guild resources over 6 years, I would be a little annoyed if all of that were to be reset. I have no complaints about the removal of customs, however much I will miss mine, but I'm not all for the gold reset. Ahnuld is right about that fact that the economy is basically starting fresh again anyway because the AH has been empty for the last 2 years. New players have come and stayed with DotC because we could help out with gear and mats when there was no AH for it, but to have all that removed would be sort of a slap in the face.

I've stayed loyal to NE over all these years because of the great community and because of all that I have built up and accomplished. That being said, I'm at least glad that you're no longer considering a full reset I assume.

Again, BS if you really think it is best for the server then by all means, you're the man in charge and you have the big vision here. Just some of my thoughts. I love most of the other ideas and stand ready to support the rebirth of NE!



Removing customs is pretty annoying and I can't imagine what compensation can be provided that is sufficient to people who have supported the server through donations.

I get that there are issues with customs. I haven't really looked into the backend of wow emulation in general so I'll just take your word that they can't be done with an update.

The gold and vault reset is kind of ridiculous. "Thanks for playing and voting...we're taking all your stuff"



Third <3
Neverendless always had a special place in my heart :3
I'll keep supporting NE and you Bobby :D
Kranith.. nub <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Noes im bestest. Wayer loves me! <3 :D
Bobby please no reset or imma cry! ;)

Everyone hopes to see NE rocking again!


Chupacabre the immortal shamy! :D



As someone who has helped build our guild resources over 6 years, I would be a little annoyed if all of that were to be reset. I have no complaints about the removal of customs, however much I will miss mine, but I'm not all for the gold reset. Ahnuld is right about that fact that the economy is basically starting fresh again anyway because the AH has been empty for the last 2 years. New players have come and stayed with DotC because we could help out with gear and mats when there was no AH for it, but to have all that removed would be sort of a slap in the face.

I've stayed loyal to NE over all these years because of the great community and because of all that I have built up and accomplished. That being said, I'm at least glad that you're no longer considering a full reset I assume.

Again, BS if you really think it is best for the server then by all means, you're the man in charge and you have the big vision here. Just some of my thoughts. I love most of the other ideas and stand ready to support the rebirth of NE!

I hear you loud and clear. I am trying to do the best possible changing for NE



As someone who has helped build our guild resources over 6 years, I would be a little annoyed if all of that were to be reset. I have no complaints about the removal of customs, however much I will miss mine, but I'm not all for the gold reset. Ahnuld is right about that fact that the economy is basically starting fresh again anyway because the AH has been empty for the last 2 years. New players have come and stayed with DotC because we could help out with gear and mats when there was no AH for it, but to have all that removed would be sort of a slap in the face.

I've stayed loyal to NE over all these years because of the great community and because of all that I have built up and accomplished. That being said, I'm at least glad that you're no longer considering a full reset I assume.

Again, BS if you really think it is best for the server then by all means, you're the man in charge and you have the big vision here. Just some of my thoughts. I love most of the other ideas and stand ready to support the rebirth of NE!

I hear you loud and clear. I am trying to do the best possible changing for NE

If you must remove customs for a stable core, where all raids work, that's a fair sacrifice. We understand there may be technical burdens with the core code base. While you can compensate donors for gear, the loss of our gold and guild banks is irreplaceable.

Blackswann, DOTC never simply horded gold. We dispersed millions of gold to help our members, as well as the NE Community. Our guild's "Pay for Play" system helped many buy gear and mats at the Auction House. Our guild bank reserves helped gear many into qualifying for EoFs / RDFs, and ICC. Without all that we acquired and worked for, we couldn't have helped all that we did. Many of whom remained loyal to DOTC and NE to this day. I really hope we can appeal to your sense of wishing to do the best for NE, and not reset our gold and guild banks.



It was just a thought I had to clean the decks so to speak... Not even something I said we would do...



As someone who has helped build our guild resources over 6 years, I would be a little annoyed if all of that were to be reset. I have no complaints about the removal of customs, however much I will miss mine, but I'm not all for the gold reset. Ahnuld is right about that fact that the economy is basically starting fresh again anyway because the AH has been empty for the last 2 years. New players have come and stayed with DotC because we could help out with gear and mats when there was no AH for it, but to have all that removed would be sort of a slap in the face.

I've stayed loyal to NE over all these years because of the great community and because of all that I have built up and accomplished. That being said, I'm at least glad that you're no longer considering a full reset I assume.

Again, BS if you really think it is best for the server then by all means, you're the man in charge and you have the big vision here. Just some of my thoughts. I love most of the other ideas and stand ready to support the rebirth of NE!

I hear you loud and clear. I am trying to do the best possible changing for NE

If you must remove customs for a stable core, where all raids work, that's a fair sacrifice. We understand there may be technical burdens with the core code base. While you can compensate donors for gear, the loss of our gold and guild banks is irreplaceable.

Blackswann, DOTC never simply horded gold. We dispersed millions of gold to help our members, as well as the NE Community. Our guild's "Pay for Play" system helped many buy gear and mats at the Auction House. Our guild bank reserves helped gear many into qualifying for EoFs / RDFs, and ICC. Without all that we acquired and worked for, we couldn't have helped all that we did. Many of whom remained loyal to DOTC and NE to this day. I really hope we can appeal to your sense of wishing to do the best for NE, and not reset our gold and guild banks.

Well, i understand DOTC members were loyal to Ne and all that nice story, but... how many members were loyal? as i know, and as i watched...only 5players from that guild always are online. I think its necessary to delete gold because one reason: economy, there are players with more than 500k gold per char. This will be a problem, all this rich guys will buy everything "again" from auctioner and screw "again" Ne's economy and market. Second, why guild banks, and personal banks should been deleted too? as someone said before, all this items, atleast 90% of them people got them by hacking icc. Thats how people got hundreds of primos, icc items, etc. And then they just sold them to get millions of gold coins.

I know, i know, not all players did that. but 90% yes, thats why everyone is rich, has full hc pve gear, etc. Maybe members in DoTC didnt do that are few members as i said before, so...maybe Blackswann can give you something special for you guys idk, but sorry, im still thinking that for the best in this new project, gold and banks must be deleted.



Jkals, you haven't been around much at all. I can't think of a single thing you've done in years. DOTC has had plenty of people on to do raids. We managed to fill our 10 man ICCs and more. Where have you been watching from? It's certainly not been in game. You never appeared in the /who list, and I've been here for these past two years to know.

Don't speak about things you're clueless about.



It was just a thought I had to clean the decks so to speak... Not even something I said we would do...

Bobby I appreciate you bringing these ideas to us to see what people think. We gotta keep thinking and brainstorming to bring this great community back. Keep with these updates so all can see what the plans are so we can be in on this together. We have work to do :)

Jkals, you haven't been around much at all. I can't think of a single thing you've done in years. DOTC has had plenty of people on to do raids. We managed to fill our 10 man ICCs and more. Where have you been watching from? It's certainly not been in game. You never appeared in the /who list, and I've been here for these past two years to know.

Don't speak about things you're clueless about.




Sadly there is a lot of comments on this post that are not positive. Many players are whiny and complaining of what they are going to lose. Customs, gold and items in guild banks. It makes me truly sad to see this. That players can not seem to understand that we are trying to do the best we can to bring the server back to life and make it better. Plus the fact that no one here can say they are here longer. I have been at Neverendless-WoW for 9 years next month. I have never quit playing. So think of everything I will be losing. If it fixes the bugs and makes for better gaming then players need to suck it up. Items in the guild banks and gold can be re-farmed. It just gives us all something more to do. Futhermore, Bobby I support you if that counts for anything. I have given NE a lot of time and so have many other staff. The players can not see all the extra work that keeping everything is going to cost Viarax. To all the whiners SUCK IT UP.

NE has always had the best community of all other servers. Why are you all turning on Blackswann now when this is the time he needs our support. Yes losing the items and gold would suck but again it can be replaced. Chin up Bobby!

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