new core = cataclysm ?
new core = cataclysm ?
good to hear that
Good Luck to our Dedicated NE Team.
I agree with Mahonri
Give us an update B!
I hope that when the new core comes after some little period of time Cataclysm to be updated too.
unfortunately, neo, even if you havent seen rune strike get parried etc, it does happen.
I have seen it happen on my dk -_-
(doing this unbuffed, with these talents: Adaille Tank Spec)
I dont have 13k AP,only 7k, but it does 3385 every time, with ~5.8k crits against mobs in vh -_-
running my math:
weapon damage (custom fast polearm) = 924 - 1402
times 1.5: 1236 - 2103
tooltip at 7333 AP shows 1100 flat so lets go with that: 1336 - 3203
seems the noncrit damage is quite in line with what the tooltip says, but if I remember right, dk crits = 2x dmg
my white damage is consistently at about 2k, with 4k crits (the 2x crit dmg part works here)
-conclusion: I dont put much stock in addons, so I'll leave the rest of the math to you :)
anyhow, hope bobby and the devs' testing runs are going well. cant wait to see the new core in place
Warriors are going to be OP versus rogues no matter what spec they're going to be in, whether prot or arms. Its not that they're OP; its that rogues stack ArP PvE gear and lose so much resilience that they sacrifice survivabilty for damage. So... don't get your hopes up quite yet until cata...
I don't mean overpowered as in tons of damage, I mean as in if they have raid gear and u have pvp gear, since they dodge and parry 90% of attacks they still won't be able to kill you so easily because resil will be working better.
I'm a druid...
I hope u guys make [Death Pact] work again...
I got the same issue
Hi, Im wondering about enchants for donor items...will donors be allowed to do proper enchants on their own gear while you start new core? For example, i got engineering skilled to max and i cant even put nitro boosts on my feet, only couse they r donor...
There's a reason behind it... you CAN'T enchant custom items Lol, there's a list of allowed enchants for custom items some where in the forums, but that's how custom items are suppose to be you can't enchant them someone else has to do it for you.
and the reason is? that i would become too fast and too OP or what, I dont see a single one reason why I shouldnt be allowed to put nitro boots on custom feet...
this is going on what I was told a long while back:
it isnt "because its supposed to be that way", its because its a client side issue, or so I was told.
something to do with the client not recognizing the items.
the rules are NOT "because of fairness", at all
they are enforcing one policy above the rest: no use of 3rd party programs that alter the game experience.
in other words: because the game doesn't recognize them, you cannot enchant them. people have used cache editing to get around this, but this is not permitted whatsoever. the list of enchants is a list of things that ARE allowed, as they CAN be used through the trade window, or in case of weapons+shield, enchanted by self. needless to say, if I could not use runeforging on my dk's custom, I wouldnt have donated for it at all.
hope this helps clarify things :)
Many enchants can be done by someone else, just not self enchanted.
I fail -_- I was probably thinking about some rogue I know
Me want pet working good. No stupid cute damage and working skills. me wants it now. yar!!
/quote self
@soulshatter: IKR? I look forward to having minions worthy of calling themselves mine >:D just think of what it'd be like with a succubus able to fight at level 80...yummy
Bobby Swann
Update on the NAVAL CORE: For the most part we are ready to convert to the new core. Yes we have found some bugs and are going to continue to work on those till we actually convert on Saturday 12th of November. The 3 main devs are having some issues with juggling RL issues over the next 24hours is why we are on hold atm till Saturday.
Take your time, don't rush. We can wait
i cant wait. ooo imma crush so many people whn unholy is working. i smell a recustom coming
agreed, self enchants should be allowed. most clothies have enchanting, but cant enchant your own rings oO, engineering and no tinkers oO - whats the point of eng? Engineering (imo) is for pvp.. customs (imo) is mainly for pvp... food for thought..
and something about allowed enchants? some WPE hackers get it right to blah blah blah whatever that person was on about, but 70% dont even know what WPE is.. so why not allow self enchants? or should some one who has donated on boots, waste and effect that he / she can obtain with a prof?... again food for thought.
Looking forward to the new core, holding thumbs... and are rogue kidney shots supposed to be dodged or parried?
Elbereth said...
Rune Strike all of time is doing less dmg or not so much more than my white. you call it fully working? and rogues/hunters dodging, prots blocking, DKas parying RS you call fully working? and 2k Crit with DS with 13k AP with 100% Arp in guy with max HP 15k(green+some pvp) you call... erm... what ever.
Why PVE stand no chance against PVP?
because there are some buggs that make it impossible , as it about rogues killing an hunter that crazinest ,wtf hope things being fixed this time
YAY FOR THE COREssssss! its going to RAPE MWahahahahaha
what is a core change?
LOL Cilipso did you even read the thread?
For all who are wondering about cataclysm there will not be cause there will not be donors because blizzard has key for making custome (legendary) items. :D
cant wait to see that keep the good work NE.
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