I knocked on the door to the meeting room hoping the quiet would mean that the “fight” that was going on between Blackswann and Ysabel was over... or at least on hold.
Hearing a terse “Come in!” made me pause, but knowing I had to bring this issue to their attention, I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.
Just as Subliminal had warned me, I found my two bosses sitting at opposite ends of the table. It seemed the quiet I had interrupted was just an intermission in preparation for a new round.
Taking another deep breath and unsure whom to address, I blurted out my issue. “I was reviewing the list for the NECon vendors and noticed there were some mounts left off the list. I was thinking …”
“I think we already have enough mounts,” Ysabel interrupted.
“Let her talk!” Blackswann thundered.
Oh no! I thought to myself, look what I have started now.
“Go on please,” Ysabel muttered as she crossed her arms over her chest in what appeared to be a defensive move.
Looking from Ysabel to Bobby and back I wondered if I should have just kept my mouth shut.
“Well?” Blackswann asked impatiently.
“I had put on the mount list the [Reins of the Black War Bear] /
[Reins of the Black War Bear], you know, the ones you get for the achievement ‘For the Horde/Alliance’. I was thinking such a choice would allow the players to show support... for their chosen... side.” I rushed, faltering a bit.
“Will the players be able to make the correct choice at the vendors and not get the wrong one?” Ysabel sneered.
“Of course they will. Besides there is only one side… mine. The best and only side. Alliance all the way!” Blackswann said with a huge smile and almost shouting by the end. “I like this idea. Maybe after we are done with NECon Development Team should do a tally to show you that more Alliance mounts were bought, to prove to you that Alliance is the best side.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Ysabel muttered just loudly enough that I could hear it. I turned to look at her just as Blackswann continued, “That idea is really good, what other good ideas do you have, Jem?”
I tossed Ysabel an apologetic glance before turning back to Blackswann and gave him my other, spontaneously devised idea.
“I was thinking that we should have a story contest on the forums. We should have them write a short story about whether they support the Horde or Alliance side and why. What do you think?”
“I love it!” Blackswann declared, glaring at Ysabel. “We will get more proof of people’s love of my Alliance.” Pushing back his chair he approached the door, “Come on Jem, you’re with me.”
I eyed Ysabel carefully, knowing I was being forced to make a choice. She gestured at me to go but still I hesitated.
“Are you coming or not?” bellowed Blackswann.
Why did I get into this type of mess? I thought, I like them both but Blackswann is the big boss, so I will choose him.
“Sorry,” I whispered to Ysabel as I turned and followed Blackswann out of the room. “Coming Bobby!”
Where the Loyalty Lies (Story Contest)
- Dates:
- Start Date: January 7
- Close Date: January 12
- Judging: January 13
- Prize Distribution: January 14
- Details:
- Write a creative story about the side you support (Horde/Alliance) and why; any theme or tone is acceptable (action, drama, comedy, romance, horror, etc!). You can include fellow players, Guilds or the Mobs. It doesn't matter; show us how creative you can be! Make sure we know which side you have choosen.
- Remember that a story needs a beginning, middle, and end. Please make sure to give us a complete story.
- Minimum 1000 words, but not more than 3000 words.
- Must adhere to the Global Forum Rules.
- Submit entries by forum PM to Jembella, no later than January 12.
- Prizes:
- 1st Place: 10,000 gold, 100x
[Ticket Voucher], [NECon 2013 Participation Shirt], 50 chips
- 2nd Place: 5,000 gold, 75x
[Ticket Voucher], [NECon 2013 Participation Shirt], 25 chips
- 3rd Place: 2,500 gold, 50x
[Ticket Voucher], [NECon 2013 Participation Shirt], 15 chips
- All Other Participants: 25x
[Ticket Voucher], [NECon 2013 Participation Shirt]
- 1st Place: 10,000 gold, 100x
- Prizes: