Director, Development
The long awaited PTR realm is now live!
If you would like to take part in testing our new core you will need to set your realmlist to:
set realmlist ptrrealm.neverendless-wow.com
and connect to the realm called "NE PTR".
If you happen to encounter any bugs please report them to the relevant links below:
Quest reports:
NPC reports:
Spell reports:
MISC reports:
The WarpNPC has been implemented and has the ability to set your character to either level 55 or 80 in order to progress to endgame content faster.
Vendors have been added in the center of Dalaran to gear up your characters.
EXP & Gold rates have been increased.
Starting gold has been increased to 10k
WarpNPC has the option to give you 1k gold (can get as many times as you want)