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New Policy on Disciplining Hackers
New Policy on Disciplining Hackers



I dont mean to be grammer patrol or whatever but.... Hacker=Good. Cracker=BAD. sorry just gets annoying after awhile. Hackers are programmers, Crackers are the people you guys are talking about. ANYWAYS
i love the rules. =]

and heh

Try winning WSG now horde

hehehe ill be there soon =]



Glad to read this news!



In my case I play in a cyber internet, what if a permanent ban a player?



Try winning WSG now horde

Lol, 2 way street honey. Can't tell you how many bg's I've been in where ally speed hacked. Fairly certain it's done about the same amount on both sides.



omg... thanks so much. Was really sick of hackers doing WSG.



Try winning WSG now horde

hehe true!! :P



Damn that is harsh stripping off all our gear i feel like raped.

lol are you serious dude? thats the best part of the new policy. hackers deserve it.

\m/ bobby rulezzz!! \m/



LOL! yeah global announcements would be epic


User nervous playing for an IP address which a compound is using...

also there are many palyers here using the sane IP.

if one of them hack our IP will be banned and i cant play as well though i didnt hack?

please clarify....



that good ,,,,very good



I would delete all their Accaunts !



Anything that acts a deterent against hacking is welcome.
Its about time something was done to permanently remove the offenders from the server.
Donors contribute to the site so im all for them having a unfair advantage over us normal toons but at least thier advantage can be overcome....hackers take from site, give nothing back and effectively CHEAT their way through the game at the disadvantage of other fair playing toons!!
Remove them all and make the playing board a little fairer!!



Great News! I am happy to hear that finally, only I'd like to see and new policy about scammers and everything will be great. :)

Cheers, your faithful, Mynce. ^o^

Blackswann posted this article related to that subject recently here:

On the subject, I think this is great! Though I do wonder about those others out there on shared IP's etc if someone else hacks and they get banned too through the IP. Regardless, I don't have to hear anymore QQ about donors don't get banned bla bla bla, NE would never ban a donor, they can get away with anything! They'll even strip you guys of your DONOR gear xD For those of you complaining... are you a hacker? :o Awesome job, Blackswann!



Well that's all great but I would also love it if gms would read tickets about hackers asap and try to get them during the bg. I've reported different hackers in several ocations and it's always the same: the bg ends, the hacking team wins, and more than half an hour later no one has read my ticket yet. Oh and about IP bans, I think that can be unfair if there is more than one person playing with the same IP address, because then the innocent person would get a ban that he/she didn't deserve.



This is freaking awesome! :D



well i hope they change this IP ban stuff because not everyone has a static IP so banning everyone on the IP doesn't make any sense. If they cant think of a way to just do it to the offender then they shouldnt do it all bc it prohibits others from playing on their server.



I'm surprised there isn't a an instant permanent ban on all Hacker Azz Crackers. Pretty forgiving server we have.



Neverendless remains a safe and fair place for all to play.????
witch donors safe and fair never!!!!!! OK!!!



Neverendless remains a safe and fair place for all to play.????
witch donors safe and fair never!!!!!! OK!!!

with lots of people here not seeming to vote religiously, donors at least help the server stay afloat. you think keeping staff, monitoring for stability and keeping up with upgrades is free? unlike everyone's playtime here, it needs real money. hackers on the other hand, aside from being freeloaders, dont help with s%#t !!!



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