Please don't **** this up by locking gear. Let us equip what we worked for. Of you want progressive, ok but don't force us to equip different gears from the one we already have in bags/banks etc. This is both for pvp and pve contents
Please don't **** this up by locking gear. Let us equip what we worked for. Of you want progressive, ok but don't force us to equip different gears from the one we already have in bags/banks etc. This is both for pvp and pve contents
I have a suggestion to boost the voting.
WarpNPC is a great and recognisable part of NE, but peaple are taking it for granted.
So my suggestion would be to put a lock on it and the only way to use (unlock) it is by voting.
This would force peaple to vote if they want to get around faster.
OP idea man! I totally agree with you ;)
All I want is challenge in PvE, there is no challenge if every one is in BiS t10.5 hc. I suppose though it might be asking for too much.
Agree, took me a years to get my full wrathful in vote shop from voting and i don't want it to be replaced or removed. It was the only ways i could get it since no bg's or arena's. Same with my pve gear which i spent many hours doing rdf's and raids with my old guild to get it.
Glad to see you back, Blackswann. I'll make sure to pay a visit. Hope some members will be there waiting.
P.S - I'm jealous af that you're getting your masters degree in comp sci while i'm just a 2nd year, lol
Oh, and by the way, would be cool if we could keep our transmogs.
I see you basically didn't put much thought into why except if they donated once they would donate again. I would argue that the donations were what made the server not lag, Stewart able to spend 20 hours a day making tools and toys for the server and all the other things that were involved. Paid for servers that were cutting edge at the time and very costly compared to the fees charged today for the same thing.
I am not against being fair but flooding the donor economy with hundreds of thousands of chips would be silly and damaging.
You, sir, will be very jelly next spring when I graduate with that degree and start a Ph.D. in Computer
Science as well :P
We had transmogs?
No Blackswann we didnt have transmog, but we had custom gear that was also allowing us to set the look we wanted on our gear items.
Adding a transmog feature -even a retail one, I mean cloth with cloth, leather with leather, mail with mail etc- would really really be a good idea and a nice feature for the server.
In addition, we could add it as a locked feature that only unlocks after some votes, basically working in the same way as the Warp NPC suggested by Zelron. People would have to reach a certain number of votes per account in order to unlock the feature of transmogrify their gear :)
I could totally get behind that transmog rights being gained via voting, and glad to see this place up and active again! I quit playing WoW for a time, but I tended to keep an eyeball on this place regardless. I was pleased to see the news about the changes and I'm apt to likely come back to level some of my character's here I think.
Mmmh maybe we can set something like:
- voting and reaching a certain amount of votes per account = t-mog unlocked ingame for any tmog u like for 14 days (2 raid IDs unlock), and after the 14 tmog days the "vote count system" resets so u can start voting again in order of reaching again the certain amount to re-unlock the tmog feature
- donating for a certain amount of chips = unlocking the endless possibility of using tmog on that specific account
Totally disagree , that we dont get chips or something back ... just BiS gear make it worth ... so bobby please think about that , because ppl who spend so much money dont want to spend again that much .. im pretty sure... we waited 2 years or more for that day , that NE come back and im really excited that NE comes back maybe ...
i had alot of fun here and it was pretty awesome every second ... but im sad if we dont get a **** for all that money we spend ... sure we spend it for the server and that the server survive and any staffmember get some money or something like that .. but i hope u do a good decision like always @Blackswann
Xperienz / Crackbleu --- Rank 1# in 2014 :P
Good to hear there's progress being made on the new core update. Can you inform us on the status of the migration to the new core? Will progress from the last few days be destroyed or merged later on? x-post https://forum.neverendless-wow.com/showpost.php?p=910536&postcount=8
We expect to have the new realm / core online within 24 hours, If this changes we will let you know on the website
No advice yet... We are waiting!! Haha :P
within 24 hours (3days ago)
We expect to have the new realm / core online within 24 hours, If this changes we will let you know on the website
I think it not 24 hours its 24 days >.<
Looking forward to checking out the new realm. Hopefully it'll give a major boost to the server population.
Still waiting D:
The transmogs are gone sorry
We could have put the core online by that time but we had error issues in the DB which we decided to fix rather than just blow them off and make the community suffer. Listen we are doing what we can with a dev that works fulltime and me working fulltime and going to school. There are only so many hours in the day to fi
Do not mind the trolls. Most of us are really happy that you and your staff are working hard in order to bring a fresh start for the community. We will gladly wait for as long as it takes.
Hi everyone, hi kranith. I didnt know you were still active on NE.
I would like to express my joy in seeing still so many people here beveling and playing. NE was an amazing experience of my life which i'll remember for a very long time. I hope everything will work out for you guys and i'll leave you, for now, with some trivial randomness.
1- The main issue with a game like wow is that it needs a lot of players to work nicely. For every innovation you bring into the realm you have to ask yourself 'does this actually make sense for the number of people involved?' But we know that some numbers are really difficult to achieve once again. Then why dont we make up something that could suit the few. If money, manpower and players are not the answer (right now), ingenuity has to be then.
2- Blackswann, do you remember me? I was the warlock who couldnt die. I encountered some sort of bug or something similar who unflagged me, i guess. I asked a gm for help and passed 15 minutes with him trying to kill me. Then you came and killed me on the spot. I still have screenshots of that strange day.
3- Does hall of reflection work now? I never had the chance to run from the lich king and i need it for the achievement 'champion of the frozen wastes'. I really look forward to it. 'After all these years? Always'.
4- About all the donor thing. I was a broke boy back then so i've never got customs. But i clearly remeber the money concept behind it: the players were donating, they weren't buying anything. The chip story was a tool to push player's hands in their wallet, formally it was all a courtesy of NE. The point here is to remember that Blackswann doesnt owe anyone anything. He may have a gratitude bound with all you people who donated, but anything you might get from him after the customgeddon is a gift. Take it and thank.
5- I'll take a look every once in a while. I would be glad if i can help anyone. You were my people, i love you.
Krayn, the magic seeker.
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