So this DB conversion is taking FAR longer than we planned, expected or could even imagine. That said it will go live when it is done, and done as close to perfect as we can do it. For the community members that find it necessary to insult us for the timing go play on warmane and suffer the lag and **** they have because frankly, I would rather do without the few idiots that want to insult our efforts.
"Bobby can you tell us what is going on" of course I can fellow community member!
We converted millions of data records that are not optimized or in proper N3 form. There were small data corruptions and errors in the tables. Here is just a portion of the error report.
-- MISSING TABLE INSERT INTO character_login_activity SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.character_login_activity;
-- MISSING TABLE INSERT INTO character_stats_alt SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.character_stats_alt;
-- MISSING TABLE INSERT INTO gm_subsurveys SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.gm_subsurveys;
-- MISSING TABLE INSERT INTO gm_surveys SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.gm_surveys;
-- MISSING TABLE INSERT INTO gm_tickets SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.gm_tickets;
-- MISSING TABLE INSERT INTO gm_tickets_messages SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.gm_tickets_messages;
-- MISSING TABLE INSERT INTO item_instance_invaild_owner SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.item_instance_invaild_owner;
-- INSERT INTO arena_matches SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.arena_matches;
-- INSERT INTO arena_member_weekly_stats SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.arena_member_weekly_stats;
-- INSERT INTO arena_team_stats SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.arena_team_stats;
-- INSERT INTO armory_queue SELECT * from backup_arthas_characters.armory_queue;
So we are fixing the errors. in anticipation of potential issues, we left the old realm up to enjoy while we are correcting the errors. Now even though I posted the error records do not read anything into it. Viarax, Pastarian, Arch Duke and myself are fixing everything we can! Relax, login and hit each other with snowballs or something and let us do the very best work we can.
We are going to be moving the voice chat system to discord from teamspeak3. It has more feature and people seem to like it better. From my view, it has DDOS protection and that's enough for me. This move will happen probably a few days to a week after the release date of the new realm.
Some folks asked about progression in the raids. Well, we are setting the realm for the proper progression. But if someone has the gear they have the gear we will not be removing that from people and it will be like they just have progressed already.
PLEASE REMEMBER THE NEW FIRST RULE OF NE WILL BE NO CUSTOM TRICKS OR GIMMICKS. We have debated taking out the warp NPC as that's a custom gimmick. I want to leave it in but then again I want this place to be legitimate as possible. Suggestions of transmog from voting and VIP areas and such are CUSTOM. We are no longer a custom realm.