Director, Development
The following rules apply everywhere on our site, unless explicitly mentioned otherwise in a forum specific rule.
Global Rules
- Staff decisions are final. If you feel you have been "wronged" in some way, Please fill out a Ban Appeal for a secondary review or you can submit a Report a Staff Member ticket to be reviewed by an administrator.
- Public discussions of staff decisions (this INCLUDES the hiring or firing process of staff members) are not permitted on the site. If you have any concerns or queries relating to a staff decision or action, please take it up in private with a member of the site administration team.
- All members must be treated in a respectful and adult manner. Do not attempt to disrupt the community in any way.
- No "Flaming" or “Trolling” as it disrupts the peace and harmony of the forums.
- No "Spamming". Please do not double post or cross-post the same message in multiple forums. You will not post for the sake of increasing your post count.
- No one-word posts. Add description, background, or otherwise add to your post so that it is helpful or informative.
- No "Bumping". Please do not repeatedly bump your threads to try and get attention.
- Reviving “Dead” Topics. Threads should only be revived if: There are no other topics pertaining to the thread that are newer AND the thread IS still legitimate. This is up to the Moderator's discretion.
- No Offensive Material. Do not post messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist, discriminatory, and/or otherwise violate of any local or international laws. This includes links in your signature, profile, posted images, photos and avatars. Staff will ultimately decide if something is appropriate or not.
- Please note that this is a PG-13 rated site and therefore is meant to be suitable for all ages, including members less than 13 years old with parental guidance/permission.
- No censor dodging. This means, using language that would usually be covered with *'s, by using random spaces, misspellings, slang or separations with other characters to "Dodge" the censors.
- No spreading of any copyrighted material (Neverendless-wow.com or other) is to take place on this site without the expressed permission of the copyright holder, which must be attached to the material. This means Warez, Hacks, Cracks, Keygens, Torrents, CD-Keys etc. are not allowed.
- No Trading or Selling accounts or items from either Neverendless or any where else. This site is not a market place.
- No advertising of any website, forums, email address, business, MLM, activity, or other entities that you have an affiliation with (ie. no self-promotion).
- No making threads/posts that promote sites, organizations, or which contain links to websites requesting donations or support via non-monetary action. While Neverendless understands there are many worthy causes deserving support, due to possibility of scams or debates over the worthiness or nature of the causes we will not allow these types of threads/posts to be made.
- Please refrain from posting the amount you donated in your Signature. You can have "Proud Donor" or what have you but posting the amount you donated can cause trouble for you.
- If a thread has been deleted or closed, do not re-post it. It has been deleted for a reason.
- If you wish to say goodbye to fellow players of Neverendless, you are free to do so in the Guild section of the Forum, but no where else. If a farewell thread is created anywhere else it will be instantly removed.
- If you are going to link media at the forums, make sure that the language used on the site and comments is PG-13.
- If you feel a player is breaking the rules please report them through the Report a Player support tickets, making sure to provide proper proof. Do not bring it to the forums.
- Images displayed in posts should be no larger than 640px wide, by 640px tall. This restriction does not apply to links.
Signature Rules
- Staff will ultimately decide if something is appropriate or not.
- No signatures may include a message intending to disrupt the peace and harmony of this board.
- No signatures may include text or images that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist, discriminatory, and/or otherwise violates of any local or international laws.
- No signatures may have promotional language* or offers for paid services.
- Links to your site are fine unless your site violates the terms of service for Neverendless-wow.com. A site name with a link to the main index page or forum page is all that is needed.
- No signatures may have more than 2 external links - otherwise it will be considered as SPAM.
- Images should be no larger than 195Kb at the absolute maximum, and dimensions must be less than 500px wide, by 200px tall, users with overly large signature files will have them removed.
Picture Rules
- Staff will ultimately decide if something is appropriate or not.
- No pictures may include a message intending to disrupt the peace and harmony of this board.
- No pictures may include text or images that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist, discriminatory, and/or otherwise violates of any local or international laws.
- No pictures may have promotional language* or offers for paid services.
- Links to your site are fine unless your site violates the terms of service for Neverendless-wow.com. A site name with a link to the main index page or forum page is all that is needed.
- No pictures may have more than 2 external links - otherwise it will be considered as SPAM.
- Images dimensions must be less than 640px wide, by 640px tall, users with overly large pictures files will have them removed.
These rules are subject to change without notice, and these rules pertain to the site, IRC, Teamspeak, and the forums.
Neverendless Management