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"Out With the New, In With the Old"
"Out With the New, In With the Old"





Duuuudddee you better be right, I don't want to have trouble with my 143859 donor characters



Time for me to PAWN again!!

Make haste make haste!!

Gatorraid the immortal


LOL all this crying about Cracky
Someone is popular



Why is wow getting empty? Good question, easy answers:

1. players are aging, becoming more adult and at one point in everybody's life a change is there in where there is barely any time or no time at all to game. In time, we all have a good job, get married, becoming parents (or not, we don't know) and with this, players don't have time to game and we have other priorities.

2. A lot of players quit because of Blizzard. Making the game easier and easier. Easier in the way of getting the gear and achievements while in the old days you needed to spend hours, days, weeks to get what you want. You needed to get the tokens etc. Well, no need to explain that.

To continue....with the changes as of Cataclysm that Blizzard made, the number of subscribers dropped from 12 million to below 10 and later on back at 7 milion (as was the same before WOTLK was released). Without the puzzling, raiding, farming etc as the way it was a lot of people lost the intrest in the game. And unless Blizzard is making changes for the good, more will leave. Not only on retail, also on private servers. Kind of simple.

As of the custom items here on our beloved server we have to look why there was a change in the first place. Non custom users complained that the custom items were too good and even when being full wrathful geared, you had a hard time fighting a full custom geared player. So, NE balanced it out. However on one thing I do agree and that is the way the creation is and point to Bobby's post regarding this.
As we all know how customs could be made in the old days was a better system. Why? Well, easy answer: you could set the way your primary stats were arranged and what other abilities you could have and how those were ranked. To be honest, I am in favor to get that back somehow.

However, there is a good thing about the new system. Since you use the proper gear for your custom (pve stuff for pve customs and pvp stuff for the pvp gear) you get a massive upgrade in stats as shown and arranged on the original item. Now, if within this system we could get the old ranking and arranging system back, I think it's a nice improvement and it's not really making the customs too overpowered.

I am looking forward to what will be done eventually.
And peeps....have fun!



I Have to agree with Maanschaduw obaut grow up stuff but im 27 and i know peapol that play wow with they children so it is not all lost you made a lot of good points but rember you need to spend your time with your children so why not play wow :D BTW sry for my bad ENG :) i dont like the new system why:
1. shaman enh dont need arp best items have arp tikets or other armor items
2. professial bufss dont work on custom items like LW or TW only think that is working is Alchemy and JC thats why more stats on old system wher better
3. end game items and new system donor item not so much difrenc in stats so why waste money on donor items ??
I rember good old tims of TBC gething stuff wher hard but fair or old classic vanila wow much more harder back then shaman enh wher off tanks >.< Blizz is killing this game i have agree with that but like all games this may come back old games are still hir like TETRIS gems that have that special somting will be all the time.



so still waiting to see this change happen, i know it takes time, i know devs got bigger fish to fry. however while i know im one of those strange people that everyone makes fun of, i love pve. i love a boss fight and a good scripted encounter. another thing i love is the old customs. the way things currently are with having to assign your custom to an item just doesnt work for me. may work for other folk, pvp players can just copy-pasta wrathful with a few items they wowheaded here and there. but i want more, i want my FD's to be what i paid for, best of the best. i want them to be what i want, the stats i want, the bonuses, i want. being able to play a specific class, a specific way, the way i want to play it. i donate for custom gear for a custom character. for my custom play style. because i want an experience that is unlike any other server can give me. one i customize for myself. whether its the "right" spec, or the "best" spec, who cares? it was my armor, my weapon, my play style. i cant wait to experience that again. keep up the good work NE. this is why i could never play another server. cause you actually care about your players



Im a PVE only player :) and i agree with Senshi :)



Ajde da ga merimo!!! or eng. version Lets mesure it! :D



Senshi xD No one makes fun of you ;) PVE is awesome, and i love it... Sometimes i do PVP because it can get random and gives a rest from PVE plays ;)



Population is coming back!!! Today we did couple BG-s, some events and icc 10n
Nice day! cya tomorow!



well senshi u got company ....... i am one of the crazy tards wo got around 9-10 fd's and a few sime donors all of whom are pve barring 2 both of whom are not completely pvp donates ... they are mixed
..... i also love to raid and with the new scripting and old customs raiding can only get more fun .... so all i can say is bring it on :PPP



Pvp for life but idk if that will work anymore.. this new custom thing better be interesting if you want people to stay. Btw why so serious.. pls don't delete my comments or im cry xaxaxa



Make sure you don't allow disorient 3 sec proc on weapon and 2swing procs, like the last time.



Pvp for life but idk if that will work anymore.. this new custom thing better be interesting if you want people to stay. Btw why so serious.. pls don't delete my comments or im cry xaxaxa

ikr, y dey do dis? :/



Well, with the old Custom Items you could make PVE items. Just don't select Resilience. Calculate what you need the most and what you need second, and keep in mind that you also socket your main chosen stat, e.g. Agility or Spell Power. When doing so, you can focus on your secondary stat and third when needed to use it as helping hand so to say.

Let's wait and see what happens in the upcoming weeks or so.



Well im still a healer :)



well well the spaladin will be back...this wil be awesome :D



So... what did I miss?



Reading through all the posts i have to agree, getting the customs back is good and the change was all through people moaning, people who was to lazy to actually put themselves out to even try to get good in-game gear and felt hard done bye, i wouldn't be shocked even if they never had vote gear even.

I also agree with many players posting they are fed up with posts being taken down and it is annoying i agree, the site has no feedback forms so this is our only way to give our views on things, then its cherry picked for only plus comments removing whats viewed as negative to make it feel everyone is happy. You cant have a site of yes men, you need to understand players negativity as well OR the players leave because the are fed up !

I play in my pvp gear sometimes but mostly i play PVE like many others i enjoy going of solo or teamed up on pve adventures, but there is so many areas thats bugged that its pointless, its great having new shining gear but it wont help me finish dungeons thats bugged. No one has ever said to me come play ?????? site because you get good gear, no i hear come play ?????? because its not got bugs. No one wants to play a server thats 1/2 un-playable/finished. So please NE now you are aware the site is thinning can you work on these in game issues so we can start saying Neverendless is great no bugs on our server, that'll help populate the site trust me, everyone i know whos left in the years i've been on is down to bugs and those sad players who need to hack to play.

other than that everything is fine, staff are good, yer your pushed on clearing custom gear, but it'll get there, but please listen to our negatives as well as our praise

keep up the good work :)



You guys don't need to apologize for the decisions you make. Whatever is decided is up to you and I've always enjoyed playing here either way. Anyway, it will be interesting playing with the old customs again, and who knows, some old players may return as a result of this. Love you NE



Way past my wow days, but glad to see ur back to the roots.



give us our old custom stuff back since yall deleted it it should be free donation points since yall deleted our old stuff

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