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Vote Points & Website Features
Vote Points & Website Features



All of my shopmate didn"t "AGREE" bec. we spend time and money in that vote then in just a moment it will gone how about our effort huh?!!! and this past few days I ve experience 5 "DISCONNECT" in one day I hope u can fix the "LAGGED" and bring back our 'VOTE POINTS" in old vote pannel I have 500+ vote points BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!....................





Nice I actually like the points at the end of the week, it makes it easier to save up.
What i don't like is Relentless in the vote shop and so cheep. There was more variety in the players since people still had a reason to use furious gear. My suggestion (though i doubt it will be taken) is leave the weapons and off pieces in the vote shop but take out the main sets, that way people get some better gear but they still have to work in game.
I also don't really understand the point of the captcha system after entering the one on the site they're still perfectly capable of skipping the one on the vote site. As of now only one site tells NE is they entered the captcha so i say make it so that they cant vote for the other two till they vote for that one. That guarantees at least one vote. Also i want a token of char re-customization /cry.



Hmm I don't understand, do vp reset every month?



Come on Neverendless! Lets rock in Top100 Arena, we need much votes to be 1st because of Molten Wow ! We've managed that last month but molten is first again. I hope we can do it now, when players should vote properly.
p.s. Staff can you add Race change token to the voteshop (no matter how much, for example 150), or maybe just on limited time, im draenei and i wanna human (i cant donate, this is the only way)



[Token of Race Change] here is the item. One more thing, can you add armory search in home page?



So when do we get points exaclty???? its alreay monday here :D



All I want to know is when will we get these points?



i vote every day (7 days in week) and i don"t have any VP



yeah me too i dun get any VP yet why??



Its is a bit disconcerting that I have lost all my vote points, but I suppose the new look and feel is cool.
What about all the DC's lately? It seems to be getting more and more! YOU can;t even finish 2 BG's in a row!
If you want our votes, sort this out please.



me to.... my vp also reset
but web cool look and new item u give are cool
good work NE wow i love u :)



when can i got my vP for this week??? i wait for long time



hey guys the new website is fantastic i love the design and every thing i have just something that i hate the most i have been trying to collect those vp for the celestian steed and since you changed the webpage i wasn't playing wow so i didn't know.please give me just some of those vps!!
thank u



and how can see how much vps do i have?



Nice Job....Congrats ;)



@Pretender you cant get your Vote points back girly.. u should use it before the site has changed!



when the vote points will be given???



do we get our vote points after 7 days of voting or on monday cuz i still don't get it :S



i hope foe evryone that new sistem allow us grow up faster and in a better way.... thanks for evrything, wolwie84



Ok..... so, when exactly qre we getting the VP's? it says at the end of the wee... so that was Sunday, it's Monday already... where are our VP's? wanna save for my Celestial Steed, want my 100 mounts achievement!!!! ^^



Thanks Igodz. ur comment helped a lot/ I was under the impression u have to do both the captcha methods to go on. ty again for the clarifications.



Very nice job on the new website guys. I especially like the new filter search function on the vote shop.

For those of you complaining aobut loseing VP from the old system -- you got to admit that you were warned (Repeatedly) that this was going to happen. there were notices on the fourms and intermittent notices in game from the various GM's.

Good job NE



"This schedule resets at the beginning of the month like the vote sites, so it's possible to get some extra points at the end of the month!"

It appears the points will be given out a week from the beginning of the month? So, we have just a little more time to wait. :)

Great job NE!



well.. it is already end of the week isnt it?,



ADMIN Say something about the voting points some people still do not vps.... what to do???



well.. it is already end of the week isnt it?,
yeah, the end of -a- week. but as said:
"This schedule resets at the beginning of the month like the vote sites, so it's possible to get some extra points at the end of the month!"

the month started on a friday. so by the looks of it, we get our points then.

to answer someone else's question a while ago, the shields next to our portraits are achievement points (assuming it hasn't been answered already)

regarding rele in vs, I am mostly grumpy about it, same with the vp reset, but whatever.

the new 'arena' style vp thing, however...sure it is nice, but did they HAVE to pick one of them to be the site with the 24hr cooldown?

hope my post is helpful :)



Development Team Leader



The 3 sites which were picked were the 3 that were performing best in terms of sending visitors to us. At any rate the system which calculates the number of points to award takes into account the number of possible votes that can be made. So given similar relative performance on both arena and the 3rd site you could get the same number of VP from each (Assuming Crescendo hasn't been tweaking the configuration since last time I checked). But you and Spoutcrest are correct in that the week starts on the 1st and ends on the 7th, / 14th / etc and then again at the end of the month.



I thought of something that would be nice (although may not be feasible). If there were a report that showed voting activity for individuals that a guild leader could have to encourage voting or kick for not voting. I know that I push voting in The Corp when I am on, but there is little incentive other than wanting VPs and supporting the community (which some just don't care).

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